
The beginning of production usually starts in October, When an opening is made between two hives. The bees, work to close that gap between bee boxes, with propolis. Propolis is carefully removed by beekeepers, with knife of inox, so the propolis is placed in clean containers and non toxic, plastic bags, with identification of date and place of collection. After this first step, propolis is transported from the Apiary up to the company Then in its own laboratory, propolis is received, and classified according to its quality. Firstly is done cleaning, where all impurities are removed (dead bees, Woods, leaves, among others). Thus the propolis is classified, by testing of quality and strict guidance of the company's team of professionals , that are trained and qualified on the complete production process of propolis. After cleaning and sorting the propolis is again wrapped in plastic bags and stored in freezer until their use or marketing and export. Before exporting the propolis the company still sends a sample of propolis for analysis in a laboratory accredited to the Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil , for analysis of flavonoids. Other analyses are made according to the requirements of each client.

